what is the central idea of the article mentioned in the video

I apologize, but as an AI language model, I don't have access to external videos or articles. If you could provide some context or a brief description of the article, I would be more than happy to help you identify the central idea or provide information on the topic.

what is the central idea of an article

The central idea of an article refers to its main point or message. It is the overarching concept or theme that the author wants to convey to the readers. The central idea can be found in the article's thesis statement, the main arguments or supporting evidence presented, and the overall tone and purpose of the writing. It represents the core element that the article revolves around and often serves as a guide for the organization of the content. Identifying the central idea helps readers understand the purpose and main focus of the article.

1. How-to books make up 0.3 of the books in the school library. Of these how-to books, 0.2 deal with carpentry and 0.4 deal with electronics.

Interpret what the answer 0.12 represents in this equation above.

(1 point)

The portion of books in the library that are how-to books on electronics
The portion of books in the library that are how-to books on electronics

The portion of books in the library that are how-to books on carpentry
The portion of books in the library that are how-to books on carpentry

The portion of how-to books that are either carpentry or electronics
The portion of how-to books that are either carpentry or electronics

The portion of books in the library that are how-to books
The portion of books in the library that are how-to books
Question 2
2. Sara discarded 110
of the 200 apples she picked as defective. The rest were sold as fresh fruit. How many apples picked were sold as fresh fruit?(1 point)




9 tenths
Question 3
3. The town of Oak Manor measures 3.8 miles by 4.2 miles. Solve for the total area.

Hint: Use the formula for the area of a rectangle = length x width.

(1 point)

8 mi2
8 mi2

14.96 mi2
14.96 mi2

16 mi2
16 mi2

15.96 mi2
15.96 mi2
Question 4
4. A basketball player is 623
feet tall. His infant son is 14
as tall. How tall is his son?(1 point)

2 and 1 sixth ft

1 and 2 thirds ft

2 and 2 thirds ft

1 and 1 half ft
Question 5
5. A diver searches for a sunken treasure that is 97.2 feet below the surface. What is the diver’s elevation when he is 23
of the way down?(1 point)

-64.8 ft
-64.8 ft

-145.8 ft
-145.8 ft

-48.5 ft
-48.5 ft

-32.4 ft
-32.4 ft
Question 6
6. A diver descends at a rate of 8 m/min. Which expression CANNOT be used to find her depth after 5 minutes?(1 point)

negative 8 over 5

negative 8 times 5

negative 8 plus negative 8 plus negative 8 plus negative 8 plus negative 8

negative 8 minus 8 minus 8 minus 8 minus 8
Question 7
7. In September, a sporting goods store offers a kayak for $378. Over the next four months, the store reduced the price of the kayak $15 each month. What is the price of the kayak at the end of four months?(1 point)





1. The answer 0.12 represents the portion of how-to books in the school library that deal with both carpentry and electronics.

2. The number of apples picked that were sold as fresh fruit is 90 (200 - 110 = 90).
3. The total area of Oak Manor is 15.96 square miles (3.8 miles * 4.2 miles = 15.96 mi^2).
4. The height of the basketball player's son is 8 feet (623 / 14 = 44.5 ft).
5. The diver's elevation when he is 23% of the way down is -22.356 feet (-97.2 ft * 0.23 = -22.356 ft).
6. The expression that CANNOT be used to find the diver's depth after 5 minutes is -8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8.
7. The price of the kayak at the end of four months is $318 ($378 - (4 * $15) = $318).

A basketball player is 6 2/3

feet tall. His infant son is 1/4
as tall. How tall is his son?

To find the height of the basketball player's son, we need to multiply the height of the basketball player by 1/4.

The basketball player's height is 6 2/3 feet, which is equivalent to 20/3 feet.

So, to find the height of his son, we multiply 20/3 feet by 1/4:

(20/3) * (1/4)

To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators together and the denominators together:

(20 * 1) / (3 * 4)

The result is:


Simplifying the fraction, we have:

(10/6) or (5/3)

Therefore, the son's height is 5/3 feet or approximately 1 and 2/3 feet.

5. A diver searches for a sunken treasure that is 97.2 feet below the surface. What is the diver’s elevation when he is 2/3

of the way down?(1 point)

-64.8 ft
-64.8 ft

-145.8 ft
-145.8 ft

-48.5 ft
-48.5 ft

-32.4 ft

To find the diver's elevation when he is 2/3 of the way down, we need to multiply the total depth (97.2 feet) by 2/3.

97.2 feet * 2/3

To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators together and the denominators together:

(97.2 * 2) / 3

The result is:

194.4 / 3

To simplify the fraction, we divide the numerator by the denominator:


Therefore, the diver's elevation when he is 2/3 of the way down is -64.8 feet.

what is the central idea of an article