use the additive inverse to find -123.45 - (-234.76)

To find the difference between -123.45 and (-234.76), we need to subtract the additive inverse of (-234.76) from -123.45.

The additive inverse of a number can be obtained by changing its sign. So, the additive inverse of (-234.76) is 234.76.

Now, we can rewrite the subtraction as addition:
-123.45 + 234.76

Adding -123.45 and 234.76, we get:

Therefore, -123.45 - (-234.76) is equal to 111.31.

To find the sum -123.45 - (-234.76) using the additive inverse, we need to change the subtraction into addition.

Let's start by rewriting the expression using the additive inverse of -234.76:
-123.45 + (+234.76).

Now, we can add the two numbers together:
-123.45 + 234.76.

Performing the addition, we have:

Therefore, -123.45 - (-234.76) is equal to 111.31.