Convert each rate using dimensional analysis round to the nearest hundredth if necessary

18meters/minutes =? centimeters /seconds

To convert 18 meters/minute to centimeters/second, we need to multiply it by a conversion factor.

1 meter = 100 centimeters
1 minute = 60 seconds

The conversion factor is therefore: (100 centimeters/1 meter) / (60 seconds/ 1 minute)

Using dimensional analysis, we have:
18 meters/minute * (100 centimeters/1 meter) / (60 seconds/ 1 minute)

Simplifying the expression, we get:
18 * 100 / 60 centimeters/second

Evaluating the expression, we have:
(18 * 100) / 60 = 1800 / 60 = 30 centimeters/second

Therefore, 18 meters/minute is equal to 30 centimeters/second.

how many cups are in a gallon

There are 16 cups in a gallon.

how many cups are in 5.7 gallons

To find out how many cups are in 5.7 gallons, we need to multiply the number of gallons by the conversion factor.

1 gallon is equal to 16 cups.

Using dimensional analysis, we can set up the calculation as follows:

5.7 gallons * 16 cups/gallon

Multiplying the numbers, we have:

5.7 * 16 = 91.2 cups

Therefore, there are 91.2 cups in 5.7 gallons.

To convert 18 meters/minute to centimeters/second, we will use dimensional analysis.

We know that 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters, and 1 minute is equal to 60 seconds.

So, we can set up the conversion like this:

18 meters/minute * (100 centimeters/1 meter) * (1 minute/60 seconds)

Let's calculate step by step:

Step 1: 18 meters/minute * (100 centimeters/1 meter) = 1800 centimeters/minute

Step 2: 1800 centimeters/minute * (1 minute/60 seconds) = 30 centimeters/second

Therefore, 18 meters/minute is equal to 30 centimeters/second.

To convert 18 meters/minute to centimeters/second using dimensional analysis, we need to set up conversion factors that relate meters to centimeters and minutes to seconds.

First, let's convert meters to centimeters. Since 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters, we can set up the conversion factor:

1 meter = 100 centimeters

Next, let's convert minutes to seconds. Since 1 minute is equal to 60 seconds, we can set up the conversion factor:

1 minute = 60 seconds

Now, let's set up the dimensional analysis calculation by multiplying the given rate (18 meters/minute) by the conversion factors:

(18 meters/minute) * (100 centimeters/1 meter) * (1 minute/60 seconds)

By cancelling out the appropriate units in the numerator and denominator, we can simplify the calculation:

(18 * 100) / (1 * 60) centimeters/seconds

= 1800/60 centimeters/seconds

= 30 centimeters/second

Therefore, 18 meters/minute is equal to 30 centimeters/second.