Use the additive inverse to find -123.45-(-234.76)

The additive inverse of a number is the number that, when added to the original number, equals zero. In this case, the additive inverse of -234.76 is 234.76.

So, -123.45 - (-234.76) can be rewritten as -123.45 + 234.76.

Now, we can simply add these two numbers:

-123.45 + 234.76 = 111.31

Therefore, -123.45 - (-234.76) equals 111.31.

To find the value of -123.45 minus the additive inverse of -234.76, follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the additive inverse of -234.76
The additive inverse of a number is the number that, when added to the original number, equals zero. The additive inverse of -234.76 is 234.76.

Step 2: Rewrite the subtraction expression as an addition expression
Instead of subtracting the additive inverse, we can rewrite the expression as an addition problem: -123.45 + 234.76.

Step 3: Add the numbers
To find the sum of -123.45 and 234.76, align the decimal points and add the digits:

+ 234.76

So, -123.45 - (-234.76) is equal to 111.31.