What should a reader do if they do not recognize the reference made by an allusion? (1 point)


Recall the definition of allusion.
Recall the definition of allusion.

Look up the word or phrase.
Look up the word or phrase.

Use context clues.
Use context clues.

Look for analogies.

pick the right anwser

All of the responses are correct. However, if a reader does not recognize the reference made by an allusion, the most practical approach would be to look up the word or phrase to get a better understanding of its meaning and context.

The reader should use context clues to try to understand the meaning of the allusion. By examining the surrounding words and phrases, they may be able to gather enough information to make an educated guess about the reference being made. If this does not provide enough clarity, the reader can also choose to look up the word or phrase in question to gain a better understanding.