what should a reader go if they do not recognize the reference made by an allusion?

a. Look for analogies
b. Recall the definition of allusion
c. Use context clues
d. Look up the word or phrase

d. Look up the word or phrase

If a reader does not recognize a reference made by an allusion, they can take the following steps:

1. Use context clues: Start by examining the surrounding sentences or paragraphs for any hints or clues that may provide an understanding of the reference.

2. Look for analogies: If the allusion is comparing something to another well-known person, event, or work, try to identify any similarities or connections that may help in understanding the reference.

3. Recall the definition of allusion: Remind yourself of the definition of allusion, which is a figure of speech that refers to a person, event, or work outside of the text. Understanding this concept can help you approach the reference more effectively.

4. Look up the word or phrase: If the above steps do not yield satisfactory results, consider looking up the word or phrase in question using a dictionary or an online search engine. This can provide more information and help in understanding the allusion.