I am Dekanawidah [identified as the traditional founder of the Iroquois Confederacy] and with the Five Nations confederate [united for a common purpose] lords I plant the Tree of the Great Peace. . . . Under the shade of this Tree of the Great Peace we spread the soft white feathery down of the globe thistle as seats for you Adodarhoh [an Onondaga chief], and your cousin lords. . . . There shall you sit and watch the council fire of the confederacy of the Five Nations, and all the affairs of the Five Nations shall be transacted at this place before you.. . .We place at the top of the Tree of the Long Leaves an eagle who is able to see afar. If he sees in the distance any evil approaching or any danger threatening he will at once warn the people of the confederacy. The smoke of the confederate council fire shall ever ascend and pierce the sky so that other nations who may be allies may see the council fire of the Great Peace . . .

—Iroquois Constitution

Use the excerpt to answer the question.

Based on this excerpt, what was the purpose of the Iroquois League?

(1 point)

to help maintain the local forests for use by the people of each member tribe
to help maintain the local forests for use by the people of each member tribe

to work together and defend each other to keep peace
to work together and defend each other to keep peace

to establish laws that all Native American nations were to follow
to establish laws that all Native American nations were to follow

to provide comfort and care for visiting tribal leaders

to provide comfort and care for visiting tribal leaders

Which statements best describe similarities between the Middle Colonies and the New England Colonies? Select all that apply.

(1 point)

Both regions were settlements that allowed debtors to start over.
Both regions were settlements that allowed debtors to start over.

Both had mostly good relationships with Native Americans, even though there were some conflicts.
Both had mostly good relationships with Native Americans, even though there were some conflicts.

Both relied on slavery to help them with farming.
Both relied on slavery to help them with farming.

Both had some groups that settled for religious reasons.
Both had some groups that settled for religious reasons.

Both had mostly good relationships with Native Americans, even though there were some conflicts.

Both had some groups that settled for religious reasons.

How did Native Americans influence other parts of the world?

(1 point)

They taught settlers how to grow crops that were traded with other countries.
They taught settlers how to grow crops that were traded with other countries.

They were taken as slaves to other parts of the world where they grew crops.
They were taken as slaves to other parts of the world where they grew crops.

The millions of Native Americans who died from diseases significantly affected the global population.
The millions of Native Americans who died from diseases significantly affected the global population.

They taught settlers how to make weapons that were then traded with other countries.

The millions of Native Americans who died from diseases significantly affected the global population.

Use the image to answer the question.

What can you infer about the Southern economy based on this chart?
(1 point)

The Southern Colonies’ land was worth more because of the rich soil.
The Southern Colonies’ land was worth more because of the rich soil.

The Middle Colonies grew more products than the Southern Colonies.
The Middle Colonies grew more products than the Southern Colonies.

The Southern Colonies’ greatest export was tobacco.
The Southern Colonies’ greatest export was tobacco.

The New England Colonies were wealthier than the Middle and Southern Colonies.
The New England Colonies were wealthier than the Middle and Southern Colonies.

The Southern Colonies’ greatest export was tobacco.

Which of these were reasons for Columbus’s first voyage from Spain? Select all that apply.

(1 point)

Spain wanted to discover new cultures and religions.
Spain wanted to discover new cultures and religions.

He went in search of an easier route to Asia.
He went in search of an easier route to Asia.

He sought to bring back Native Americans for slavery.
He sought to bring back Native Americans for slavery.

Spain wanted to control the spice trade.

He went in search of an easier route to Asia.

Spain wanted to control the spice trade.

Why was the Act of Toleration enacted?

(1 point)

to ensure African Americans could maintain their own religious practices
to ensure African Americans could maintain their own religious practices

to provide freedom of religion for Jews
to provide freedom of religion for Jews

to retain a separation between church and state
to retain a separation between church and state

to safeguard freedom of worship to Catholics who founded Maryland