Which of the following would be considered the main idea of the following passage?

1 point
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Birds are attracted to the steady red lights on communication towers.
To save birds, communication towers have begun using blinking lights.
Birds and communication towers are important for pilots.
There is no need for communication towers.

Birds are attracted to the steady red lights on communication towers. To save birds, communication towers have begun using blinking lights.

Read the text below to make an inference about which sentence is likely to be true.

1 point
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Mabel's dad gets upset when she plays video games.
Mabel's dad told her she had to be home before dark.
Mabel's dad does not trust her to be away from home.
Mabel's dad did not want her to win the video game.

Mabel's dad does not trust her to be away from home.

Which sentence best summarizes the author's point of view about the Apple Bear Lodge?

1 point
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The lodge is comfortable and pleasant, but the scenery is not as expected.
The reviews online were misleading about the lodge's level of comfort.

The lodge is comfortable and pleasant, but the scenery is not as expected.

What kind of text structure, or interaction, is demonstrated in the passage below?

1 point
Captionless Image
sequence and order
compare and contrast
problem and solution
cause and effect

The given passage does not provide enough information to determine the specific kind of text structure or interaction being demonstrated.

Captionless Image

sequence and order
compare and contrast
problem and solution
cause and effect

The provided information is not sufficient to determine the text structure or interaction in the given passage since no passage has been provided.

To determine the main idea of a passage, it's important to read and analyze the entire passage. In this case, let's examine the information provided.

The passage states that birds are attracted to the steady red lights on communication towers and, therefore, to protect birds, communication towers have started using blinking lights. The passage also mentions the importance of both birds and communication towers for pilots.

Based on this information, the main idea of the passage is likely to be: Birds are attracted to the steady lights on communication towers, necessitating the use of blinking lights to protect them.

Please note that the option "There is no need for communication towers" is not supported by the information provided in the passage.