se the image to answer the question.

A number line with arrows at both ends ranges from negative 12 to 12. The numbers negative 12, 0, and 12 are labeled.

Solve the following equation: 7+−5
. Use the number line as a model to find the solution.

To solve the equation 7+(-5) using the number line as a model, we start at the number 7 and then move 5 units to the left.

Since we are moving 5 units to the left from 7, we end up at the number 2.

Therefore, the solution to the equation 7+(-5) is 2.

To solve the equation, you need to find the sum of 7 and -5 on the number line.

1. Start at the number 7 on the number line.
2. Move 5 spaces to the left since we have -5.
3. You will end up at 2 on the number line.
4. So, the solution to the equation 7 + (-5) is 2.

Please note that when adding a negative number, it's the same as subtracting that number.