Use the image to answer the question.

A number line with arrows at both the ends ranges from negative 10 to 10 in unit increments. A closed circle is marked on the tick line above 1. A line is drawn from 1 toward 10 with an arrow at the end.

Weston solved an inequality and graphed the solution on the number line. Which of the following inequalities did he solve?

(1 point)

x plus 0.5 greater-than-or-equal-to 0.5

x minus 1 greater-than 0

x plus 5 greater-than-or-equal-to 6



u sureee

I apologize for the confusion. Based on the description, the correct inequality that Weston solved and graphed on the number line would be:

x - 1 > 0

This is because the closed circle marked above 1 indicates that x is greater than 1, and the line drawn from 1 towards 10 with an arrow indicates that x is greater than 1, beyond the point 1. Therefore, the inequality x - 1 > 0 represents this situation.



A number line with arrows at both the ends ranges from negative 10 to 10 in unit increments. A closed circle is marked on the tick line above 4. A line is drawn from 4 toward negative 10 with an arrow at the end.
A number line with arrows at both the ends ranges from negative 10 to 10 in unit increments. An open circle is marked on the tick line above two and one third. A line is drawn from the circle toward 10 with an arrow at the end.


To answer this question, we need to analyze the given image.

We can see that there is a closed circle marked on the tick line above 1, and a line is drawn from 1 towards 10 with an arrow at the end. This indicates that the solution includes all the numbers greater than 1, but not including 10.

Now let's look at the given inequalities and see which one matches the graphed solution.

Option 1: x + 0.5 ≥ 0.5
This inequality does not match the graphed solution because it includes all values greater than or equal to -0.5, not greater than 1.

Option 2: x - 1 > 0
This inequality does not match the graphed solution because it includes all values greater than 1, not just the numbers greater than 1.

Option 3: x + 5 ≥ 6
This inequality does not match the graphed solution because it includes all values greater than or equal to 1, not just the numbers greater than 1.

Option 4: x - 0.5 ≤ 0.5
This inequality matches the graphed solution because it includes all values greater than 1, which is represented by the closed circle, and stops at 10 as indicated by the arrow.

Therefore, Weston solved the inequality x - 0.5 ≤ 0.5.