What is summary reason for the essay of impact on higher education on Rogerian model

The essay discusses the impact of higher education on the current generation using the Rogerian model. The key reason is to acknowledge and understand the divergent perspectives on higher education's impact and foster an open and respectful dialogue between different stakeholders. It aims to find common ground and potential solutions that can address the challenges faced by higher education today. The author emphasizes the importance of considering differing viewpoints and seeking a middle ground to drive positive change in the education system.

The summary reason for an essay on the impact of higher education using the Rogerian model would be to explore how higher education affects individuals, society, and the economy in a balanced and empathetic manner. The Rogerian model emphasizes finding common ground and understanding different perspectives to promote meaningful dialogue and problem-solving. In this essay, the author would examine the positive and negative impacts of higher education, consider the varying viewpoints, and propose solutions that address the concerns of all stakeholders involved. The ultimate goal would be to foster communication and collaboration in the pursuit of improving higher education and its overall impact.