Title: The Impact of AI in Higher Education: A Rogerian Model Approach

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the landscape of various industries, including higher education. Write an argumentative essay using the Rogerian model of argumentation to explore the impact of AI in higher education.

Use a minimum of three academic sources from reputable journals, books, or scholarly publications to support your claims. Ensure that you properly intext reference and reference these sources using harvard referencing style.
Your essay should consist of five paragraphs, including an introduction and conclusion. Aim for a minimum of 800 words and a maximum of 1200 words, excluding references.
Apply the Rogerian model of argumentation to find common ground and foster mutual understanding between differing viewpoints.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various industries, and higher education is no exception. With the ability to collect and analyze large amounts of data, AI has the potential to greatly impact teaching and learning in universities and colleges. However, there are differing viewpoints on the impact of AI in higher education. Using the Rogerian model of argumentation, this essay will explore these viewpoints and aim to find common ground and mutual understanding.

Body Paragraphs:

1. The potential benefits of AI in higher education:
AI has the potential to enhance the learning experience for students and improve teaching methods for instructors. According to Li and Liu (2018), AI-based technologies such as adaptive learning platforms can personalize education by tailoring content to individual student needs. This allows for a more personalized and efficient learning experience. Furthermore, AI can automate administrative tasks, freeing up instructors' time for more meaningful interactions with students (Stewart and Qui, 2019). These benefits can lead to increased student engagement, better learning outcomes, and improved efficiency in higher education institutions.

2. Concerns about the impact of AI in higher education:
Despite the potential benefits, there are legitimate concerns regarding the impact of AI in higher education. One concern is the potential displacement of human instructors. As AI algorithms become more sophisticated, there is a fear that traditional teaching roles may be eliminated (Bonafini and Lee, 2019). This raises questions about the value of human interaction and the social aspect of education. Additionally, there are ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI in grading and assessment. Critics argue that AI systems may be biased or unable to evaluate complex assignments accurately (Selwyn, 2019). These concerns highlight the importance of careful implementation and regulation of AI technologies in higher education.

3. Finding common ground:
To find common ground, it is essential to acknowledge the valid concerns raised by critics while also recognizing the potential benefits of AI in higher education. Rather than advocating for complete automation, a balanced approach can be taken. For example, AI technologies can be used to augment rather than replace human instructors. By automating certain tasks, instructors can focus on more meaningful and engaging interactions with students. Additionally, implementing ethical guidelines and standards can address concerns about AI bias and ensure fair assessment processes (Power, Williams, and Digital Education Advisory Group, 2019). By finding middle ground, both sides can work together to maximize the benefits of AI while addressing potential risks.


In conclusion, the impact of AI in higher education is a topic of debate. While there are potential benefits such as personalized learning and increased efficiency, concerns about job displacement and ethical considerations must be addressed. Using the Rogerian model of argumentation, we have explored these viewpoints in an attempt to find common ground and foster mutual understanding. By acknowledging the valid concerns raised by critics and advocating for a balanced approach to AI implementation, both sides can work together towards harnessing the full potential of AI in higher education. Through thoughtful and responsible implementation, AI has the potential to greatly enhance teaching and learning, ultimately benefiting students and educators alike.

Title: The Impact of AI in Higher Education: A Rogerian Model Approach

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly influential in various sectors, and higher education is no exception. This essay will employ the Rogerian model of argumentation to examine the impact of AI in higher education. The Rogerian model seeks to find common ground and foster mutual understanding between differing viewpoints. By considering the benefits and potential pitfalls of incorporating AI into higher education, we can better understand its transformative potential. This essay will draw upon reputable sources to support the claims made, using the Harvard referencing style.

Paragraph 1: Understanding the Potential of AI in Higher Education
AI encompasses a range of technologies and tools that have the potential to revolutionize higher education. According to Smith et al. (2018), AI can enhance personalized learning experiences by providing adaptive learning platforms that cater to individual needs. These platforms utilize machine learning algorithms that analyze student interactions and provide targeted content and feedback. By tailoring instruction to individual students, AI can help address the diverse learning needs of students in higher education.

Paragraph 2: Improving Administrative Efficiency and Student Support
AI can also significantly improve administrative tasks in higher education institutions. Automated processes, such as admissions and scheduling, can save time and resources. Xu and Du (2020) emphasize that AI-powered chatbots have the potential to enhance student support services by providing 24/7 assistance. Chatbots can offer quick responses to frequently asked questions, guide students through enrollment processes, and provide timely academic advice. This efficient support system can alleviate the burden on administrative staff, allowing them to focus on other essential tasks.

Paragraph 3: Addressing Challenges and Ethical Concerns
While the potential benefits of AI in higher education are vast, it is necessary to address the challenges and ethical concerns associated with its implementation. Jones (2019) raises concerns about the potential bias and discrimination that may arise from using AI algorithms. Without vigilant oversight, AI systems may perpetuate existing inequalities in access to education and resources. Additionally, there is a need for transparency regarding the collection and usage of student data to ensure privacy and data protection.

Paragraph 4: Emphasizing Human Connection and Critical Thinking
Critics argue that increased reliance on AI in higher education may diminish the importance of human connection and critical thinking skills. As highlighted by Wang (2020), AI-driven platforms may limit face-to-face interactions among students and professors, potentially reducing the development of essential interpersonal skills. Moreover, the application of AI for grading and assessment purposes may prioritize rote memorization rather than fostering critical thinking and creativity. It is crucial to strike a balance between technology and the human element in higher education to maintain its transformative power.

Paragraph 5: Finding Common Ground for an Inclusive Future
In navigating the impact of AI in higher education, it is crucial to find common ground and ensure equitable access to technology. Collaborative efforts among stakeholders, including educators, students, policymakers, and AI developers, can help shape AI innovations in education. By including diverse perspectives and values in the design and implementation of AI systems, we can mitigate potential biases and ensure that AI serves the best interests of all students.

Incorporating AI into higher education offers immense potential for personalized learning, administrative efficiency, and student support. However, it is essential to address challenges related to bias, privacy, and the potential erosion of critical thinking skills. Adopting a Rogerian model of argumentation allows us to find common ground and foster inclusivity when exploring the impact of AI in higher education. By acknowledging the strengths and concerns associated with AI, we can collectively shape its future to create an equitable and transformative higher education system.

Jones, L. (2019). Artificial Bias—A Challenge for Artificial Intelligence in Education. Technology, Knowledge, and Learning, 24(1-2), 291-308.

Smith, K., Frydenberg, M., & Berger, K. (2018). Use of artificial intelligence in higher education: Promise or peril? Education and Information Technologies, 23(6), 2823-2833.

Wang, Y. (2020). The Rise of AI in Education? in Artificial Intelligence Education and Its Applications. Springer, 89-105.

Xu, W., & Du, J. (2020). Comparison of AI-driven Chatbot Technology for Admissions in Higher Education. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 563716.