which of the following best explains a consequence of European efforts to find sea route to Asia

One possible consequence of European efforts to find a sea route to Asia is the expansion of global trade and the establishment of colonial empires. European exploration and navigation led to the discovery of new trade routes and the development of a global economy. This resulted in increased interactions between different regions of the world, the exchange of goods and ideas, and the establishment of colonies and trading posts by European powers in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. These colonial empires played a significant role in shaping the modern geopolitical landscape and the development of globalization.

One consequence of European efforts to find a sea route to Asia was the Age of Exploration. European nations, such as Portugal, Spain, and later the Netherlands and England, launched numerous expeditions to find alternative trade routes to Asia. These efforts ultimately led to the discovery of new lands and societies across the globe, resulting in the colonization and expansion of European empires. Additionally, the exploration and colonization brought about significant cultural, economic, and technological exchanges between Europe and other regions, leading to the globalization of trade and the spread of European cultural influence.