A sign in a gas station advertises gas at the rate of $3.39910 per gallon. How many dollars does a gallon cost, writing the price strictly as a decimal? (1 point)

To determine the price of gas per gallon in decimal form, we need to consider the digits after the decimal point. In this case, the given price is $3.39910 per gallon.

To write the price strictly as a decimal, we can simply ignore the dollar sign and move the decimal point two places to the left. This is because each whole dollar is equivalent to 100 cents, and there are two digits after the decimal in the given price.

Thus, the price per gallon in decimal form is 0.0339910 dollars per gallon.

To write the price strictly as a decimal, we can remove the dollar sign and specify the cents instead.

The price of gas at the rate of $3.39910 per gallon can be written as $3.39 per gallon (since the 10th of a cent is negligible in this context).

Therefore, a gallon of gas costs $3.39 as a decimal.

The price of gas per gallon is $3.39910.