A sign in a gas station advertises gas at the rate of $3.39910 per gallon. How many dollars does a gallon cost, writing the price strictly as a decimal?(1 point)

The price of gas per gallon is $3.39910 per gallon. We can write this value as a decimal by removing the dollar sign. So a gallon of gas costs 3.39910 dollars, written strictly as a decimal. Answer: $\boxed{3.39910}$.

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To write the price strictly as a decimal, we can remove the dollar sign and convert the cents to decimal form.

The gas is priced at $3.39910 per gallon.

To convert it to decimal form, we can divide the cents by 100.

$0.39910 is equal to 0.39910 dollars in decimal form.

So, a gallon of gas costs $3.39910, which can be written as a decimal as 3.39910 dollars or simply 3.39910.

To write the price strictly as a decimal, you need to remove the dollar sign and any additional digits after the cents. In this case, the advertised rate is $3.39910 per gallon. To find the cost of a gallon strictly as a decimal, you ignore the digits after the 5th decimal place. So the cost per gallon would be $3.3991.