Article 1 informs readers about the benefits of handwashing an article to persuade readers to wash their hands more given this information which method of writing is different between the two articles

Based on the given information, it can be inferred that the methods of writing that differ between the two articles could be the tone, the structure, and the overall approach in persuading readers to wash their hands more frequently.

The specific method of writing that may differ between the two articles could be the tone or style of persuasion. In the informative article (Article 1), the writing may be more focused on presenting facts, statistics, and scientific evidence about the benefits of handwashing. It may aim to educate readers and raise awareness about the importance of hand hygiene.

On the other hand, the persuasive article may utilize techniques such as emotional appeals, personal anecdotes, or the use of rhetorical devices to convince readers to wash their hands more frequently. It may emphasize the potential risks and consequences of not practicing good hand hygiene, employing language that is more persuasive and engaging.

While both articles may have a common goal of promoting handwashing, the persuasive article might employ a more engaging, persuasive approach to encourage behavior change.