What is 12 8/15 − 7 + 715 + 15? Simplify your answer.(1 point)



41 Start Fraction 15 over 15 End Fraction


20 15/15
20 Start Fraction 15 over 15 End Fraction

Will you answer the question because i am trying to get the answer so will you answer to the responses.

Apologies for misunderstanding your request. You provided multiple response options, so here is the correct answer corresponding to each option:

1. 21 - This is not the correct answer. The correct answer is 911/15.

2. 411515 - This is not the correct answer. The correct answer is 911/15.

3. 35 - This is not the correct answer. The correct answer is 911/15.

4. 20 15/15 - This is not the correct answer. The correct answer is 911/15.

To solve the expression 12 8/15 − 7 + 715 + 15, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed number 12 8/15 to an improper fraction.
12 8/15 is equivalent to (12 * 15 + 8)/15 = 188/15.

Step 2: Add all the terms together.
188/15 − 7 + 715 + 15 = (188/15 + 15) + 715 − 7.

Step 3: Simplify the sum of fractions.
188/15 + 15 can be simplified by finding a common denominator. The least common multiple of 15 and 15 is 15. So, we have (188 + 15∙15)/15 = (188 + 225)/15 = 413/15.

Step 4: Add the simplified fractions and the remaining numbers.
(413/15) + 715 − 7 = (413 + 715∙15 − 7∙15)/15 = (413 + 10725 − 105)/15 = 11033/15.

Step 5: Simplify the final fraction.
11033/15 cannot be simplified further since 15 is a prime number.

Therefore, the simplified answer is 11033/15.

To simplify the expression 12 8/15 - 7 + 715 + 15, we first convert the mixed number 12 8/15 to an improper fraction.

The improper fraction equivalent of 12 8/15 is:
12 8/15 = (12 * 15 + 8)/15 = 188/15.

Now we can simplify the expression by combining like terms:
188/15 - 7 + 715 + 15 = 188/15 + 715 - 7 + 15

Next, we need to find a common denominator (LCD) for 15 and 1:
LCD(15, 1) = 15

Now we can rewrite each term with the LCD:
(188/15)*1 + (715/1)*(15/15) - (7/1)*(15/15) + (15/1)*(15/15)

Simplifying further:
188/15 + 715*(15/15) - 7*(15/15) + 15*(15/15)
188/15 + (715/1) - (7/1) + (15/1)

To add and subtract fractions, they must have a common denominator, which in this case is 15:
(188 + 715 - 7 + 15)/15

Now simplifying the numerator:
188 + 715 - 7 + 15 = 911

Therefore, the simplified answer is: