2. You have just set up a new wireless network at your house, and you want to determine whether your Linux laptop has connected to it and obtained a valid IP address. What command will give you the information you need?

To determine whether your Linux laptop has connected to the wireless network and obtained a valid IP address, you can use the "ifconfig" command.

Open up a terminal and type the following command:


This will display the network interfaces available on your laptop and their respective IP addresses. Look for the wireless network interface (usually named "wlan0" or similar) and check if it has an assigned IP address. If it does, it means your laptop has successfully connected to the wireless network and obtained a valid IP address.

To determine if your Linux laptop has connected to the wireless network and obtained a valid IP address, you can use the "ifconfig" command.

Here is how you can use the "ifconfig" command to check the IP address:

1. Open a terminal on your Linux laptop by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T.

2. Enter the command "ifconfig" and press Enter.

3. Look for the wireless network interface in the output. It is usually named "wlan0" or "wlp2s0" but can be different depending on your system.

4. Under the wireless network interface, you should see an entry labeled "inet" followed by an IP address. This IP address indicates that your laptop has obtained a valid IP address from the wireless network.

If you don't see the "inet" entry or the IP address is not displayed under the wireless network interface, it means that your Linux laptop has not successfully connected to the wireless network or has not obtained a valid IP address.