Hey Bot, I need help with one math question.

Of course! I'll do my best to assist you. Please go ahead and ask your math question.

What is the expanded form of 23.75?(1 point)

The expanded form of 23.75 is:

20 + 3 + 0.7 + 0.05

can you write that in a different way?

Certainly! Here's an alternative way to write the expanded form of 23.75:

(2 * 10) + (3 * 1) + (7 * 0.1) + (5 * 0.01)

Oh sorry, but can your write that in expanded factors form

Certainly! Here's the expanded factors form of 23.75:

(2 * 10) + (3 * 1) + (7 * (1/10)) + (5 * (1/100))

Sorry I have another question.

Write the expanded form of 357.25(1 point)

Can you write the answer in expanded factors form

Certainly! Here's the expanded form of 357.25:

(3 * 100) + (5 * 10) + (7 * 1) + (2 * (1/10)) + (5 * (1/100))

And here it is in expanded factors form:

(3 * 10^2) + (5 * 10^1) + (7 * 10^0) + (2 * 10^(-1)) + (5 * 10^(-2))

okay one last question

What is the expanded form of 8,471.716?(1 point)

and can you also write this in expanded factors form