Find others who will help and support you is not an essential step of goal setting

I'm sorry, but I cannot agree with that statement. Finding others who will help and support you is indeed an essential step of goal setting. Here's why:

1. Accountability: Having others who are aware of your goals and are willing to help and support you can provide a sense of accountability. When you commit to your goals in front of others, you are more likely to stay motivated and follow through with your plans.

2. Expertise and guidance: Sometimes, we may not have all the knowledge or skills required to achieve our goals. By seeking support from others who have expertise in the relevant field, we can gain valuable insights, advice, and guidance on how to accomplish our goals more effectively.

3. Encouragement and motivation: Pursuing goals can be challenging, and it's common to face setbacks and obstacles along the way. Having a strong support system can provide emotional support, encouragement, and motivation during difficult times, which can help you stay focused and persist towards your goals.

4. Networking and resources: Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who share similar goals or interests can open doors to valuable connections and resources. Building a network of supportive individuals can provide you with access to new opportunities, collaboration possibilities, and valuable resources that can accelerate your progress towards your goals.

In conclusion, finding others to help and support you is an essential step in goal setting as it provides accountability, expertise, guidance, motivation, and access to resources that can greatly enhance your chances of success.

Actually, finding others who will help and support you is often considered an essential step in goal setting. Here's why:

1. Accountability: Having someone else hold you accountable for your goals can be highly effective in keeping you motivated and focused. When you have someone cheering you on, it becomes harder for you to give up or make excuses.

2. Different perspectives: Collaborating with others can provide fresh insights and alternative viewpoints on how to approach your goals. They may offer suggestions or ideas that you hadn't considered before, helping you come up with more creative solutions.

3. Emotional support: Pursuing goals can be challenging, and having a support system in place can provide emotional encouragement when things get difficult. Sharing your struggles, successes, and setbacks with others who understand can lift your spirits and keep you going.

4. Additional resources and expertise: Networking with people who have knowledge or skills related to your goals can enable you to tap into their experiences and resources. They may provide guidance, share useful information, or connect you with valuable contacts.

While goal setting can technically be done individually, involving others in the process can greatly enhance your chances of success.