Example of a situation that describes the internal locus of control

Sarah is a successful entrepreneur who attributes her success to her hard work, determination, and decision-making skills. She firmly believes that she has the power to control her own destiny and shape her life according to her desires. When faced with challenges, she takes them as opportunities to learn and grow rather than feeling helpless or blaming external factors. Sarah believes that her efforts and actions directly influence the outcomes in her business and personal life, demonstrating an internal locus of control.

A situation that describes the internal locus of control is as follows:

John is a recent college graduate who has been actively searching for a job for several months. Despite facing various rejections, he remains persistent and focused on his job search. He believes that his efforts, hard work, and skills will eventually lead him to success.

Rather than attributing his unemployment to external factors such as a tough job market or luck, John takes responsibility and feels in control of his own destiny. He continuously updates his resume, networks with professionals, and prepares for interviews, putting in extra effort to enhance his chances of getting hired.

While waiting for responses, he also takes proactive steps to gain valuable experience by volunteering and attending industry-specific workshops. John firmly believes that his actions and determination will ultimately lead to securing a job, and he remains motivated despite the challenges he encounters along the way.

In this situation, John's belief in his own abilities and the idea that his actions will directly influence outcomes demonstrates an internal locus of control. He perceives himself as having control over his circumstances and believes that personal effort and abilities are key determinants of success.