How is homeostasis achieved?

Cells control involuntary movements.

Cells maintain internal stability.

Cells secrete stomach enzymes.

Cells control voluntary movements.

What is the function of osteoblasts in the body?

**They help break down food within the stomach.**

How is homeostasis achieved?
**Cells maintain internal stability.**

How are muscle cells and bone cells similar?
**Both make it possible for you to respond to your environment by moving.**

Which of the following is one characteristic of all living things?
**maintaining homeostasis**

Hope this helps if anyone sees this :/

the first question is actually

***They provide structure and support***


I would say Cells maintain internal stability.


Homeostasis is achieved through various mechanisms in the body, primarily by the actions of cells.

Cells play a crucial role in maintaining internal stability, which is the primary goal of homeostasis. They do this by monitoring and regulating different physiological processes.

One way cells contribute to homeostasis is by controlling involuntary movements. For example, specialized cells in the brain called neurons regulate involuntary movements by transmitting electrical signals that coordinate muscle contractions and bodily functions. This ensures balance, coordination, and overall stability in the body.

Additionally, cells secrete various hormones and enzymes that help maintain homeostasis. For instance, specialized cells in the stomach wall secrete enzymes such as pepsin and hydrochloric acid, which aid in the digestion of food. This helps to maintain the optimal pH level in the stomach, facilitating the proper breakdown of nutrients.

However, it is important to note that cells do not directly control voluntary movements. Voluntary movements, such as walking or talking, are primarily controlled by the somatic nervous system, which involves the conscious control of muscles through signals from the brain. While cells play a role in facilitating these movements, they are not directly responsible for controlling them.

In summary, cells contribute to homeostasis by maintaining internal stability, regulating involuntary movements, and secreting various substances that aid in different physiological processes.