456 * 99 / 7 * 9^9

show your work using pemdas

To solve the expression using PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, and Addition and Subtraction from left to right), we can break it down step by step:

Step 1: Evaluate 9^9
This is the exponentiation step.
9^9 = 387,420,489

Step 2: Multiply 456 and 99
456 * 99 = 45,144

Step 3: Divide the result from Step 2 by 7
45,144 / 7 = 6,449

Step 4: Multiply the result from Step 3 by the result from Step 1
6,449 * 387,420,489 = 2,510,214,473,261

Therefore, 456 * 99 / 7 * 9^9 = 2,510,214,473,261.

To solve the expression 456 * 99 / 7 * 9^9 using the order of operations (PEMDAS), we'll follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify exponentiation (exponents)
9^9 = 387,420,489

Step 2: Perform multiplication and division (multiplication and division from left to right)
456 * 99 = 45,144
45,144 / 7 = 6,448.57142857

Step 3: Perform multiplication (from left to right)
6,448.57142857 * 387,420,489 = 2,500,953,185,644.285714283
Alternatively, this can be written as 2.500953185644285714283 × 10^12.

Therefore, the result of the expression 456 * 99 / 7 * 9^9, following the order of operations (PEMDAS), is approximately 2,500,953,185,644.285714283 or 2.500953185644285714283 × 10^12.