Based on the dialogue exchanged between characters in "When Greek Meets Greek," all of the following statements about the landlord are true except

(1 point)

the landlord is easily fooled.
the landlord is easily fooled.

the landlord trusts Mr. Chan.
the landlord trusts Mr. Chan.

the landlord is biased against Indians.
the landlord is biased against Indians.

the landlord does not appreciate troublemakers.

The statement "the landlord trusts Mr. Chan" is not true.

To determine which statement about the landlord is not true based on the dialogue exchanged between characters in "When Greek Meets Greek," let's examine each statement:

1. The landlord is easily fooled.
In the dialogue, there is no specific mention of the landlord being easily fooled. Thus, we cannot confirm this statement.

2. The landlord trusts Mr. Chan.
In the dialogue, the landlord expresses trust in Mr. Chan by saying, "I know Mr. Chan. He has an honest face." Therefore, this statement is true.

3. The landlord is biased against Indians.
In the dialogue, the landlord repeatedly shows bias against Indians by stating, "Indians are all troublemakers" and refusing to rent to Indian applicants. Thus, this statement is true.

4. The landlord does not appreciate troublemakers.
In the dialogue, the landlord mentions that he does not appreciate troublemakers and that they cause problems for him. Therefore, this statement is true.

Based on the examination above, the statement "the landlord is easily fooled" is not confirmed in the dialogue and is thus not true.