Earth's Interior Energy Quick Check

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Which statement is correct about the flow of thermal energy inside Earth?(1 point)

Energy flow inside the mantle causes magma to rise.
Energy flow inside the mantle causes magma to rise.

Energy flow inside the mantle causes magma to sink deeper.
Energy flow inside the mantle causes magma to sink deeper.

Energy flow inside the crust causes magma to rise.
Energy flow inside the crust causes magma to rise.

Energy flow inside the crust causes magma to sink deeper.

Energy flow inside the mantle causes magma to rise.

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The correct statement about the flow of thermal energy inside Earth is: Energy flow inside the mantle causes magma to rise.

To determine which statement is correct about the flow of thermal energy inside Earth, we need to understand the process of convection and its effects on magma movement.

Convection is the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids (in this case, the movement of molten rock or magma). In Earth's mantle, convection currents are responsible for the movement of magma.

As the mantle receives heat from the Earth's core, it becomes less dense and starts to rise. This upward movement creates convection currents and causes the magma to rise. As the magma reaches the surface, it can erupt as volcanic activity or cool to form new crust.

Based on this understanding, we can eliminate the options that suggest energy flow inside the crust causes magma movement, as it is primarily the mantle where convection occurs.

So, the correct statement about the flow of thermal energy inside Earth is: "Energy flow inside the mantle causes magma to rise."