In it's democratic institution , what two rights did Athens give all free males over the age of 20 ?

In its democratic institution, Athens gave all free males over the age of 20 the right to participate in the assembly and the right to serve on juries.

In its democratic institution, Athens gave all free males over the age of 20 the following two rights:

1. The right to participate in the assembly: Free males had the right to attend the Assembly, which was the main decision-making body in Athens. They could voice their opinions, debate, and vote on important matters such as laws, policies, and the election of officials. This right allowed citizens to directly participate in the democratic process.

2. The right to serve on juries: Free males over the age of 20 also had the right to serve on juries. Athens had a unique system where juries decided legal cases instead of professional judges. Citizens would be selected randomly to serve on a jury for a specific trial, ensuring that ordinary citizens had a role in the administration of justice. This right allowed citizens to actively contribute to the legal system.