what is one freedom that American democracy has today that was clearly not recognized in the Roman Empire ?

One freedom that American democracy has today that was clearly not recognized in the Roman Empire is the concept of religious freedom, specifically the freedom of individuals to practice any religion or no religion at all without fear of persecution or coercion by the state. In the Roman Empire, the state religion was an integral part of civic life and adherence to it was often mandatory. Nonconformity or refusal to participate in the state religion could result in severe consequences, including imprisonment or death. In contrast, the United States Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion as a fundamental right, allowing individuals to worship and practice their faith according to their own beliefs, or choose not to follow any particular religion.

One freedom that American democracy has today that was clearly not recognized in the Roman Empire is universal suffrage. In the Roman Empire, only a select group of adult males who met certain property and social status requirements were eligible to vote and participate in the political process. Women, slaves, and non-citizen residents were excluded from having any political rights or representation. In contrast, American democracy recognizes the principle of universal suffrage, which grants the right to vote to all adult citizens regardless of gender, race, social status, or property ownership. This inclusive approach ensures that all American citizens have the freedom and ability to participate in shaping their government and exercising their political rights.