Which of the following best summarizes the logic used by the Anti-Federalists to argue against a single large republic?

A single large republic will make it difficult if not impossible to represent the views of the citizens.

Factions can best be controlled by having a large republic.

The U.S. usually allows majority rule but attempts to protect the rights of individuals and minority groups through the judicial and political processes.

The reserved powers given to states by the Tenth Amendment.

Presidential systems of government are more likely to lead to divided government. IS CORRECT

What is the actual answer?

The actual answer is: A single large republic will make it difficult if not impossible to represent the views of the citizens.

Which of the following represents Madison’s views on factions?(1 point)


Factions can best be controlled by remaining as 13 separate countries.
Factions can best be controlled by remaining as 13 separate countries.

Factions can best be controlled through direct democracy.
Factions can best be controlled through direct democracy.

Factions can best be controlled by direct citizen participation in policy making.
Factions can best be controlled by direct citizen participation in policy making.

Factions can best be controlled by having a large republic.

What's the actual answer?

The actual answer is: Factions can best be controlled by having a large republic.