Evaluate the role of the Anti-Federalists in advocating for the inclusion of the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution. How did their concerns about individual liberties shape the constitutional debate?(1 point) Responses The Anti-Federalists wanted to limit the power of the federal government. The Anti-Federalists wanted to limit the power of the federal government. The Federalists strongly opposed the Anti-Federalists' views. The Federalists strongly opposed the Anti-Federalists' views. The Bill of Rights was unanimously accepted without debate. The Bill of Rights was unanimously accepted without debate. The Anti-Federalists aimed to increase centralized authority. The Anti-Federalists aimed to increase centralized authority.

The correct response is: The Anti-Federalists wanted to limit the power of the federal government and advocated for the inclusion of the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution. Their concerns about individual liberties shaped the constitutional debate by highlighting the need for specific protections for individual rights and freedoms. They argued that without a Bill of Rights, the federal government could potentially infringe upon these liberties. This concern led to a compromise with the Federalists, resulting in the inclusion of the Bill of Rights as the first ten amendments to the Constitution.