Subtract fractions and decimals practice. What is 907.907-709.709.

To subtract the decimals 907.907 and 709.709, we align the decimal point and subtract each place value.

- 709.709

Therefore, 907.907 - 709.709 = 198.198.

To subtract decimals:

1. Line up the decimal points in both numbers.
- 709.709
2. Subtract the numbers in the ones place, then the tenths place, and so on.
So, 7 - 9 = -2 in the ones place.
0 - 0 = 0 in the tenths place.
7 - 9 = -2 in the hundredths place.
The final answer is -2.198.

Therefore, 907.907 - 709.709 = -2.198.