Use the additive inverse to find -123.45-2,34.76.

To find the sum of -123.45 and -2,34.76 using the additive inverse, we can add the additive inverse of -2,34.76 to -123.45.

The additive inverse of -2,34.76 is simply 2,34.76, because the additive inverse of a negative number is the positive version of that number.

So, we have -123.45 + 2,34.76.

Adding these numbers together:
+ 2,34.76

Therefore, -123.45 - 2,34.76 = 2,11.31.

To find the additive inverse of a number, you simply change its sign.

The given expression is -123.45 - 2,34.76.

To find the additive inverse of -123.45, you change its sign to positive: 123.45.

Therefore, the simplified expression becomes: 123.45 - 2,34.76.