The owner of a large electronic storage building wants to install air-conditioning . The size of the air conditioner depends on the capacity of the building. Below is a diagram with the dimensions of the building. The diagram is not drawn to scale. Note : It calculate the volume of the building.

In order to calculate the volume of the building, we need to find the length, width, and height of the building.

Let's assume the length of the building is 30 meters, the width is 20 meters, and the height is 10 meters.

Now, we can calculate the volume of the building using the formula:
Volume = Length x Width x Height

Volume = 30 meters x 20 meters x 10 meters = 6000 cubic meters

Therefore, the volume of the building is 6000 cubic meters.

To calculate the volume of the building, you'll need to find the product of its length, width, and height. Here are the steps to calculate the volume of the building:

1. Identify the dimensions given in the diagram: length, width, and height.
2. Measure each of the dimensions in the diagram and record the values in meters (or any other consistent unit of measurement).
3. Multiply the length by the width.
4. Multiply the result from step 3 by the height.
5. The final result is the volume of the building expressed in cubic meters.

If you provide me with the dimensions of the building, I can help you calculate the volume.