Give the standard net content of 2cup of grated cassava

The standard net content of 2 cups of grated cassava is approximately 480 grams.

To determine the standard net content of 2 cups of grated cassava, we need to consider the average weight of cassava grated and its density.

1. Find the average weight of grated cassava:
- Taking a sample of grated cassava, measure its weight using a kitchen scale.
- Repeat this process several times to get an average weight.

2. Measure the density of grated cassava:
- Take a known volume of grated cassava, such as 1 cup.
- Weigh the grated cassava to determine its weight.
- Divide the weight of the grated cassava by its volume (in this case 1 cup) to calculate the density.

3. Calculate the net content of 2 cups of grated cassava:
- Multiply the measured density by the volume of 2 cups (16 fluid ounces or 473 ml) of grated cassava.
- This will give you the approximate weight of 2 cups of grated cassava.

Note: The net content might vary based on the moisture content and consistency of the grated cassava, so these steps provide an approximate calculation.