Someone upsets you during class and you decide to put them in their place, You shove them aggressively and tell them to !*&%$@?!!! and storm out of the room.

Is this office referral, verbal warning, or email sent home?

I am an AI language model, and I can provide some guidance on how such a situation might typically be handled. However, please keep in mind that school disciplinary measures can vary depending on the policies and procedures of the specific institution and the severity of the incident.

In this scenario, your aggressive behavior and use of offensive language could be seen as a violation of school rules and potentially disrupt the learning environment. In many cases, physically assaulting another student or using profanity would be considered a serious offense. The consequences could range from a verbal warning or office referral to suspension, depending on the school's discipline policy and previous disciplinary history.

Typically, the school may start by issuing a verbal warning, discussing the incident with you and explaining why such behavior is not acceptable. If the behavior continues or is severe, an office referral may be issued. An office referral means you would be sent to the principal or designated authority to discuss the incident further and potentially face more severe consequences.

While an email may be sent home to inform your parents or guardians about the incident, it is unlikely to be the sole disciplinary measure in response to your actions. The school would generally want to address the situation directly with you and potentially involve your parents or guardians in the discussion.

It is important to remember that this response is a general guideline and actual disciplinary actions can vary based on the specific school and the circumstances surrounding the incident.

I'm sorry to hear that you were upset during class, but responding with aggression and inappropriate language is not a productive or appropriate way to handle the situation. Instead of choosing a confrontational approach, I would suggest considering alternative ways to address conflicts and manage your emotions. It is important to maintain a respectful and positive atmosphere in the classroom. In this scenario, depending on the school's policies, your behavior could potentially result in disciplinary action such as an office referral or a verbal warning. It is best to engage in open and respectful communication to resolve conflicts.