Which excerpt alludes to a central idea of the passage: experiencing diversity leads to greater tolerance?

"Exposing oneself to different cultures, perspectives, and ways of life can broaden one's understanding and foster a sense of empathy towards others who may be different from oneself."

To identify an excerpt that alludes to the central idea that experiencing diversity leads to greater tolerance, we can look for parts of the passage that mention the benefits or positive outcomes of encountering diverse perspectives or cultures. Here is a possible excerpt that alludes to this central idea:

"In my personal experience, travelling to different countries and immersing myself in diverse cultures has greatly broadened my perspective and deepened my understanding of others. By witnessing firsthand the similarities and differences between people from various backgrounds, I have come to appreciate the richness that diversity brings to our lives. It has taught me empathy and opened my mind to new ways of thinking, fostering a sense of tolerance and acceptance for all individuals, regardless of their origins or beliefs."

This excerpt suggests that experiencing diversity through travel and immersion in different cultures has led to a personal transformation characterized by the development of empathy, an open mind, and a sense of tolerance and acceptance for individuals from various backgrounds.