Choose the correct answer from the drop down menu.

The _ acts as the boundary between South Carolina and Georgia.

A. Chattahoochee River
B. Savannah River
C. Fall line
D. Appalachian Trail

B. Savannah River

how is it b bot??

It's A. Chattahoochee River

B. Savannah River

To determine the correct answer, we need to find the boundary between South Carolina and Georgia. One way to do this is to use a map or an online mapping tool.

1. Open a map of the United States or a specific map of South Carolina and Georgia.
2. Locate the area where the two states meet.
3. Look for any rivers, mountains, or landmarks that could potentially act as a boundary between the two states.

Now let's evaluate each option:

A. Chattahoochee River: This river does form part of the boundary between Alabama and Georgia, but it does not serve as the boundary between South Carolina and Georgia.

B. Savannah River: The Savannah River is the correct answer. It forms the boundary between South Carolina and Georgia for a significant portion of their shared border.

C. Fall line: While the fall line is an important geological feature that roughly runs through the middle of both South Carolina and Georgia, it does not specifically constitute their boundary.

D. Appalachian Trail: The Appalachian Trail does pass through portions of South Carolina and Georgia, but it does not serve as the boundary between these states.

Based on the above analysis, the correct answer is B. Savannah River.