How should you group the following expression to make it easiest to add? 18 − 9 4/9 + 7/9 − 8

A. (18 - 8 - 9)
B. (18 - 9 - 8) + (- 4/9 + 7/9)
C. (18 - 8) + (- 9 4/9 + 7/9)
D. (8 - 18) + ( 4/9 + 7/9)

The correct grouping to make it easiest to add is: B. (18 - 9 - 8) + (- 4/9 + 7/9)

To group the expression in a way that makes it easiest to add, we should follow the order of operations, which is typically represented by the acronym PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, and Addition and Subtraction from left to right).

Let's examine the options:

A. (18 - 8 - 9)
This option groups the subtraction operations first. However, it does not consider the fractions in the expression.

B. (18 - 9 - 8) + (-4/9 + 7/9)
This option groups the subtraction operation first, then considers the fractions. This grouping allows us to simplify the expression further.

C. (18 - 8) + (-9 4/9 + 7/9)
This option groups the subtraction operations, but it does not consider the fractions in the expression.

D. (8 - 18) + (4/9 + 7/9)
This option groups the subtraction operations first but reverses their order. Again, it does not consider the fractions in the expression.

Based on the analysis above, the option that groups the expression to make it easiest to add is option B. (18 - 9 - 8) + (-4/9 + 7/9).