Using a number line, what whole number and rational number to the nearest half is 10√ between?

10√ is approximately 31.6227766. The whole number closest to 31.6227766 is 32 since it is greater than 31.6227766.

To find the rational number to the nearest half, we round 31.6227766 to the nearest half. Since it is closer to 31.5 than 32.0, the rational number to the nearest half is 31.5.

I got it wrong what’s the answer


To determine the whole number and rational number to the nearest half that 10√ is between, we first need to find the whole number and rational number that are the closest values to this expression.

Let's start by simplifying 10√. The square root of any number can be expressed as a decimal, so we need to calculate the decimal form of 10√. Using a calculator, we find that 10√ is approximately 31.6227766.

Now, let's consider the nearest whole number. The whole number closest to 31.6227766 is 32.

Next, let's consider the nearest half value. The half value closest to 31.6227766 is 31.5.

Therefore, the whole number and rational number to the nearest half that 10√ is between are 32 and 31.5, respectively.