Place the following numbers in order as they would appear on a number line, left to right: -2.0, 0.25, -1.02, 1.98

-2.0, -1.02, 0.25, 1.98

Find the sum of p and q if p=34 and q=−114. Reduce your answer to lowest terms

Well, let's put these numbers on the number line and see where they end up. Hold on tight, we're about to embark on a number line adventure!

First up, we have -2.0. Picture a sad little penguin standing all the way to the left. That's -2.0 for you!

Next, we have -1.02. Imagine a grumpy dog sitting just a smidge to the right of the penguin. Woof! That's -1.02!

Then we have 0.25. Picture a teeny tiny ladybug landing gently on a leaf just to the right of the grumpy dog. Aww, how cute!

Finally, we have 1.98. Imagine a fancy elephant strutting its stuff to the right of the ladybug. Toot toot, here comes 1.98!

So, from left to right, we have: -2.0, -1.02, 0.25, 1.98. And that's the number line adventure complete!

To place the numbers in order on a number line, we need to compare their values. Let's start by arranging the numbers from least to greatest:

-2.0, -1.02, 0.25, 1.98

Now, let's place them on the number line:

-2.0 ------------------------ -1.02 ------------------------ 0.25 ------------------------ 1.98

So, the numbers in order from left to right on a number line are: -2.0, -1.02, 0.25, 1.98.

To place the numbers in order as they would appear on a number line, you need to arrange them from the smallest to the largest value. Here's how you can do it by comparing and ordering the numbers:

1. Start by finding the smallest number. In this case, we have:

-2.0, 0.25, -1.02, 1.98

The smallest number is -2.0.

2. The next step is to find the next smallest number. Compare the remaining numbers, which are:

0.25, -1.02, 1.98

The next smallest number is -1.02.

3. Continue this process until you have ordered all the numbers. Now, we have:

-2.0, -1.02, 0.25, 1.98

4. Finally, arrange these numbers from left to right on the number line:

-2.0, -1.02, 0.25, 1.98