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Place the following numbers in order as they would appear on a number line, left to right: −2.0, 0.25, −1.02, 1.98.(1 point)

Alright, let's do some number line acrobatics! Here's the order as they would appear from left to right:

-2.0, -1.02, 0.25, 1.98.

It's like a little math dance party! Just picture the numbers line up and boogie on down!

To place the numbers in order from left to right on a number line, we need to compare their values.

Let's start with the smallest number, which is -2.0. This number is negative and the most leftmost on the number line.

Next, we have -1.02. This number is also negative but closer to zero than -2. So, it will be placed to the right of -2.0.

Then, we have 0.25, which is a positive number and closer to zero than -1.02. So, it will be placed in between -1.02 and 1.98.

Finally, we have 1.98. This is the largest number and will be placed furthest to the right on the number line.

Putting it all together, the numbers in order from left to right on the number line are: -2.0, -1.02, 0.25, 1.98.

To place the given numbers in order on a number line, we can start by arranging them in ascending order:

−2.0, −1.02, 0.25, 1.98

Now, let's place these numbers on the number line from left to right:

-2.0 -1.02 0.25 1.98

So, the correct order is: −2.0, −1.02, 0.25, 1.98.