What is the sum of 45.87 + 195.469(1 point)

The sum of 45.87 and 195.469 is 241.339.

2 of 182 of 18 Items

What is 3.125 - 1.6(1 point)

The result of 3.125 - 1.6 is 1.525.

Divide 1.587 by 0.23(1 point)

When you divide 1.587 by 0.23, the result is approximately 6.900.

Multiply 23.5 and 4.3(1 point)

When you multiply 23.5 and 4.3, the result is 100.55.

Karl spent $58.34 at the grocery store last week This week he spent $72.78. How much more did he spend this week than last week on groceries?(1 point)

Karl spent $72.78 - $58.34 = $14.44 more this week than last week on groceries.

Sally spent $15 on stickers and $15 on lollipops. If the stickers were $1.50 each and the lollipops were $0.75 each, how many of each item did she purchase?(1 point)