What is the sum of 45.87 + 195.469(1 point)

The sum of 45.87 and 195.469 is 241.339.

2 of 182 of 18 Items

What is 3.125 - 1.6(1 point)

The result of 3.125 - 1.6 is 1.525.

Divide 1.587 by 0.23(1 point)

When you divide 1.587 by 0.23, the result is approximately 6.900.

Multiply 23.5 and 4.3(1 point)

When you multiply 23.5 and 4.3, the result is 100.55.

Karl spent $58.34 at the grocery store last week This week he spent $72.78. How much more did he spend this week than last week on groceries?(1 point)

Karl spent $72.78 - $58.34 = $14.44 more this week than last week on groceries.

Sally spent $15 on stickers and $15 on lollipops. If the stickers were $1.50 each and the lollipops were $0.75 each, how many of each item did she purchase?(1 point)

Let's assume Sally purchased x stickers and y lollipops.

Based on the given information, we can set up the following equations:

1.50x + 0.75y = 15 (equation 1) ---> representing the cost of stickers and lollipops
x + y = 10 (equation 2) ---> representing the total number of items

To solve these equations, we can use substitution or elimination method.
Let's solve using the elimination method:

Multiplying equation 1 by 2 to eliminate the decimal:
3x + 1.5y = 30 (equation 3)

Now, subtracting equation 2 from equation 3:
(3x + 1.5y) - (x + y) = 30 - 10
2x + 0.5y = 20 (equation 4)

Next, multiply equation 4 by 2 to get an integer coefficient for y:
4x + y = 40 (equation 5)

Now we have a system of equations:
x + y = 10 (equation 2)
4x + y = 40 (equation 5)

Subtracting equation 2 from equation 5 to eliminate y:
(4x + y) - (x + y) = 40 - 10
3x = 30
x = 10

Substituting the value of x into equation 2:
10 + y = 10
y = 0

Therefore, Sally purchased 10 stickers and 0 lollipops.

wrong awnser

I apologize for the incorrect response. Let's make the correction.

Let's assume Sally purchased x stickers and y lollipops.

Based on the given information, we can set up the following equations:

1.50x + 0.75y = 15 (equation 1) ---> representing the cost of stickers and lollipops
x + y = 10 (equation 2) ---> representing the total number of items

To solve these equations, we can use substitution or elimination method. Let's solve using the elimination method:

Multiplying equation 2 by -0.75 to eliminate y in equation 1:
-0.75(x + y) = -0.75(10)
-0.75x - 0.75y = -7.5

Now, subtract equation 1 from the above equation:
-0.75x - 0.75y - (1.5x + 0.75y) = -7.5 - 15
-0.75x - 0.75y - 1.5x - 0.75y = -22.5

Combining like terms:
-2.25x - 1.5y = -22.5 (equation 3)

Multiplying equation 1 by 2 to eliminate the decimal:
3x + 1.5y = 30 (equation 4)

Now we have a system of equations:
-2.25x - 1.5y = -22.5 (equation 3)
3x + 1.5y = 30 (equation 4)

Adding equation 3 and equation 4 to eliminate y:
(-2.25x - 1.5y) + (3x + 1.5y) = -22.5 + 30

0.75x = 7.5

Dividing by 0.75:
x = 10

Substituting the value of x into equation 2:
10 + y = 10
y = 0

Therefore, Sally purchased 10 stickers and 0 lollipops.

I apologize for the confusion. It seems that Sally only purchased stickers and no lollipops.

thats not an anwser

I apologize for the confusion. Let's solve the problem again.

Let's assume Sally purchased x stickers and y lollipops.

Based on the given information, we can set up the following equations:

1.50x + 0.75y = 15 (equation 1) ---> representing the cost of stickers and lollipops
x + y = 10 (equation 2) ---> representing the total number of items

To solve these equations, we can use substitution or elimination method. Let's solve using the substitution method:

From equation 2, we can express x in terms of y:
x = 10 - y

Substituting this value of x into equation 1:
1.50(10 - y) + 0.75y = 15

15 - 1.50y + 0.75y = 15

Combining like terms:
-0.75y = 0

Solving for y:
y = 0

Substituting this value of y back into equation 2:
x + 0 = 10
x = 10

Therefore, Sally purchased 10 stickers and 0 lollipops.

again not a option

the choices are

Sally bought 10 stickers and 20 lollipops.
Sally bought 10 stickers and 20 lollipops.

Sally bought 10 stickers and 10 lollipops.
Sally bought 10 stickers and 10 lollipops.

Sally bought 20 stickers and 20 lollipops.
Sally bought 20 stickers and 20 lollipops.

Sally bought 20 stickers and 10 lollipops.

I apologize for the confusion. Given that the total cost is $15, the cost per sticker is $1.50, and the cost per lollipop is $0.75, we can use this information to determine the number of stickers and lollipops Sally purchased.

Let's assume Sally bought x stickers and y lollipops.

The equation for the cost would be: 1.50x + 0.75y = 15 (equation 1)

We also know that the total number of items purchased is 10, so we have: x + y = 10 (equation 2)

To solve this system of equations, we can use substitution or elimination method. Let's use the substitution method:

Rearrange equation 2 to solve for x: x = 10 - y

Substitute this value of x into equation 1:
1.50(10 - y) + 0.75y = 15

Expand and solve for y:
15 - 1.50y + 0.75y = 15
-0.75y = 0
y = 0

Substitute the value of y back into equation 2:
x + 0 = 10
x = 10

Therefore, Sally bought 10 stickers and 0 lollipops.

I apologize once again as it seems that I have made another mistake in providing an answer. Looking at the options you provided, the correct answer would be:

Sally bought 10 stickers and 20 lollipops.

Ana downloaded pictures. Each picture had a file size of 2.4 megabytes. What is the total file size in megabytes of 6 of these pictures?(1 point)


2.5 megabytes
2.5 megabytes

3.6 megabytes
3.6 megabytes

14.4 megabytes
14.4 megabytes

8.4 megabytes

To find the total file size of 6 pictures, we need to multiply the file size of one picture (2.4 megabytes) by the number of pictures (6):

2.4 megabytes/picture * 6 pictures = 14.4 megabytes

Therefore, the total file size of 6 pictures is 14.4 megabytes.

Joe paid a total of $151.20 for a 12-month gym pass. He paid the same amount each month. Fill in the blanks for see how much Joe paid each month

To find out how much Joe paid each month, we can divide the total amount he paid ($151.20) by the number of months (12):

Total amount paid / Number of months = Amount paid each month

$151.20 / 12 = $12.60

Therefore, Joe paid $12.60 each month.

please use a chart

Certainly! Here is a chart showing how much Joe paid each month for his 12-month gym pass:

| Month | Amount Paid |
| 1 | $12.60 |
| 2 | $12.60 |
| 3 | $12.60 |
| 4 | $12.60 |
| 5 | $12.60 |
| 6 | $12.60 |
| 7 | $12.60 |
| 8 | $12.60 |
| 9 | $12.60 |
| 10 | $12.60 |
| 11 | $12.60 |
| 12 | $12.60 |

Therefore, Joe paid $12.60 each month for his gym pass.

The area model illustrates the product 2.4 x 2.4

What is the product of 2.4 x 2.4

The product of 2.4 x 2.4 is 5.76.

Jerry set a goal to run 16 miles during the school week. He ran 3.42 miles on Monday and 2.7 miles on Tuesday. How many miles does Jerry still need to run to reach his goal?(1 point)


6.12 miles
6.12 miles

9.88 miles
9.88 miles

15.28 miles
15.28 miles

22.12 miles

To find out how many miles Jerry still needs to run to reach his goal, we need to subtract the miles he has already run from his goal of 16 miles:

Total goal - Miles already run = Miles still needed

16 miles - (3.42 miles + 2.7 miles) = 9.88 miles

Therefore, Jerry still needs to run 9.88 miles to reach his goal.

A jug was filled with a sports drink for a basketball game. During the first half, the team drank 2.68 gallons. In the second half, the team drank 3.06 gallons. If the jug started with 7 gallons, How much sports drink is left in the jug?(1 point)


5.75 gallons
5.75 gallons

12.75 gallons
12.75 gallons

1.26 gallons
1.26 gallons

1.22 gallons

To determine how much sports drink is left in the jug, we need to subtract the amount of drink consumed from the initial amount in the jug:

Initial amount - Amount consumed = Amount left

7 gallons - (2.68 gallons + 3.06 gallons) = 1.26 gallons

Therefore, there is 1.26 gallons of sports drink left in the jug.

In the cheese factory, they make cheeses in different sizes. The small cheeses are sold in pieces, and the big ones are packaged in wedges. Identical wedges weighing 0.27 kg each are made from a big cheese weighing 3.24 kg. How many wedges can be made from the big cheese?(1 point)


12 wedges
12 wedges

2.97 Wedges
2.97 Wedges

87 wedges
87 wedges

3.51 wedges

To determine the number of wedges that can be made from the big cheese, we need to divide the weight of the big cheese by the weight of each wedge:

Weight of big cheese / Weight of each wedge = Number of wedges

3.24 kg / 0.27 kg = 12 wedges

Therefore, 12 wedges can be made from the big cheese.

Matt went on a road trip to visit his grandma. On the way, he spent $28.05 on gasoline, $5.92 on lunch, and $9.18 on a gift for his grandma. How much did he spend in total on his trip?(1 point)






To find out how much Matt spent in total on his trip, we need to add up the amounts he spent on gasoline, lunch, and the gift:

$28.05 + $5.92 + $9.18 = $43.15

Therefore, Matt spent a total of $43.15 on his trip.

Ashley is using a model to find the quotient of 8.4 ÷ 2.1. She starts by modeling the dividend, 8.4 as shown. She will separate the model into equal groups to represent the division. How many equal groups of 2.1 should she make

To find the quotient of 8.4 ÷ 2.1, we can divide 8.4 by 2.1.

Dividing 8.4 by 2.1, we get 4.

Therefore, Ashley should make 4 equal groups of 2.1 to represent the division.

Multiply 15.8 x 3.5(1 point)

When you multiply 15.8 by 3.5, the result is 55.3.

Divide 8.736 by 1.4(1 point)

When you divide 8.736 by 1.4, the result is 6.24.

What is 14.15 - 3.8(1 point)

The result of 14.15 - 3.8 is 10.35.

What is the sum of 12.8 + 15.424(1 point)

The sum of 12.8 and 15.424 is 28.224.