Words with same pronunciation but different spelling

Here are some examples of words that have the same pronunciation but different spelling:

- Their, There, They're
- Too, Two, To
- Night, Knight
- Pause, Paws
- Sea, See
- Principle, Principal
- Piece, Peace
- Allowed, Aloud
- Bye, Buy, By
- Write, Right, Rite

Please note that pronunciations may vary based on regional accents, so these examples may not apply to all English speakers.

There are several words in the English language that have the same pronunciation but different spellings. Here are some examples:

1. Two, too, to
2. Break, brake
3. Bear, bare
4. Write, right
5. Eye, I
6. Night, knight
7. Know, no
8. Flower, flour
9. Maze, maize
10. Pane, pain

These are just a few examples, but there are many more words in English that have the same pronunciation but different spellings.