Words with double vowel a and i

1. Aardvark

2. Air
3. Aisle
4. Ail
5. Aisles
6. Airmail
7. Ailing
8. Aired
9. Aides
10. Aide
11. Ailment
12. Avid
13. Bail
14. Claim
15. Dais
16. Drain
17. Faint
18. Grain
19. Paid
20. Sailing

Here are some words that contain a double vowel "a" and "i":

1. Aerial
2. Ailment
3. Airmail
4. Aisle
5. Avid
6. Avian
7. Await
8. Aid
9. Aim
10. Abaci

Please note that some of these words are relatively less common than others.