Which of these words has a long vowel sound?


The word "moon" has a long vowel sound.

Which of these words does NOT have a long i sound?


The word "silent" does NOT have a long i sound.

The word "stood" has a long vowel sound.

To determine which of these words has a long vowel sound, we need to understand what a long vowel sound is. A long vowel sound is when a vowel says its name or its sound is pronounced for a longer duration.

One way to identify a long vowel sound is to look for a silent "e" at the end of the word, as it often makes the preceding vowel sound long. However, in this case, none of the words have a silent "e" at the end.

Another way to find a long vowel sound is to look for vowel teams or vowel digraphs. A vowel team is when two vowels appear side by side and create a new sound, while a vowel digraph is when two vowels together make a single sound.

In the given options, the word "wool" contains a vowel team "oo," which makes a long "oo" sound. Therefore, the word "wool" has a long vowel sound.