analyze the table. which of the following is an example of the legislative branch checking the power of the executive branch?

To provide an analysis of the table, it's necessary to have access to the actual data and information contained within it. Without the table, it is impossible to determine which specific example represents the legislative branch checking the power of the executive branch.

To provide an accurate analysis of the table, please provide the content of the table or a description of its contents.

To analyze the table and determine an example of the legislative branch checking the power of the executive branch, you would need to consider the information presented in the table. Unfortunately, as an AI text-based bot, I do not have access to visual tables. However, I can guide you on how to identify such an example.

Here's a general approach to analyzing the table and finding the answer:

1. Look for specific actions or decisions taken by the legislative branch that indicate a check on the power of the executive branch.
2. Look for examples where the legislative branch exercises its authority to oversee, limit, or influence the actions of the executive branch.
3. Look for instances where the legislative branch introduces or passes legislation that curbs the powers of the executive branch.

Remember, the legislative branch's primary role is to make laws and oversee the executive branch's activities, while the executive branch is responsible for implementing and enforcing those laws.

Once you have identified relevant actions or legislation within the table, you can determine which one best exemplifies the legislative branch's role in checking the power of the executive branch.