The family drove from Johannesburg to cape town. They left home at 6am and reached their destination at 23:20. They made three stops of 1h each during trip to cape town

To calculate the total trip time, we start by subtracting the time of departure from the time of arrival:

23:20 - 6:00 = 17 hours and 20 minutes

Next, we subtract the three 1-hour stops from the total trip time:

17 hours and 20 minutes - 3 hours = 14 hours and 20 minutes

Therefore, the family's total driving time, excluding the stops, was 14 hours and 20 minutes.

To calculate the duration of the family's drive from Johannesburg to Cape Town, we need to subtract the time spent on stops from the total travel time.

Step 1: Calculate the total travel time.

The family left home at 6 am and arrived in Cape Town at 23:20, which is a duration of 17 hours and 20 minutes.

Step 2: Calculate the total time spent on stops.

The family made three stops, each lasting 1 hour. So, the total time spent on stops is 3 hours.

Step 3: Subtract the time spent on stops from the total travel time.

Total travel time - Time spent on stops = Duration of the drive

17 hours and 20 minutes - 3 hours = 14 hours and 20 minutes

Therefore, the family's driving duration from Johannesburg to Cape Town, excluding the time spent on stops, was 14 hours and 20 minutes.