Which of the following is an irrational number: 2pi 6/0, 61 repeated, or 0.37815

The irrational number among the options is 2π.

The irrational number among the options you provided is 2π.

To determine if a number is irrational, we should check if it can be expressed as a fraction (rational) or if it has a non-repeating decimal (irrational).

The number 6/0 is undefined because division by zero is undefined in mathematics.

The number 61 repeated, also known as 61.6666..., is a rational number because it can be expressed as a fraction (for example, 61 2/3).

The number 0.37815 is a rational number because it can be expressed as a terminating decimal, which means it has a finite number of digits after the decimal point. However, this number could also be an approximation of some irrational number. In this case, it is a rational representation of a potentially irrational number.

Therefore, the irrational number among the options is 2π.