Determine if the conditional is true or false: If two numbers are odd, then their sum is even.

(1 point)





Every conditional has two parts. The part following if is the ____ .

1 point

To determine if the conditional statement is true or false, we need to analyze the relationship between odd and even numbers.

An odd number is any integer that is not divisible evenly by 2. Examples of odd numbers include 1, 3, 5, and so on.

An even number is any integer that can be divided evenly by 2. Examples of even numbers include 2, 4, 6, and so on.

The conditional statement given is: "If two numbers are odd, then their sum is even."

To evaluate the statement, we can use a counterexample. A counterexample is an example that disproves a statement, showing that it is false.

Let's consider the numbers 3 and 5. Both numbers are odd. When we add them together, 3 + 5 = 8. The sum, 8, is an even number.

Since we have found a specific example that satisfies the condition of two odd numbers having an even sum, we can conclude that the conditional statement is true.

Therefore, the answer is: True.