Which statement best describes the relationship between technology and European xploration? (1 point) Europeans developed new technologies, such as the astrolabe and magnetic compass, to permit long-distance travel. European nations benefited from a combination of existing technologies and their own innovations to aid exploration Europeans refused to use technologies originating from Asia and Southwest Asia because they believed they were inferior to European designs . European technological advances were slow and often prone to failure during long voyages.

European trade led to greater global interdependence for several reasons. Firstly, the search for new trade routes and valuable goods, such as spices and precious metals, prompted European explorers to venture into new regions, establishing direct connections and trade networks with distant lands. This expanded trade allowed for the exchange of not only goods but also ideas, technologies, and cultures, leading to a greater interconnectedness between different parts of the world.

Secondly, as European powers colonized various territories, they implemented systems of economic exploitation such as plantation agriculture, which relied on the labor of enslaved individuals from Africa. This led to the creation of vast networks of trade involving raw materials, manufactured goods, and enslaved individuals, linking Europe, Africa, and the Americas in a complex web of economic interdependence.

Furthermore, the emergence of global trading hubs, such as Amsterdam and London, facilitated the flow of goods and capital across continents, attracting merchants and investors from different regions. This interconnectivity fostered the development of financial systems, such as banks and joint-stock companies, that further facilitated trade and investment on a global scale.

Overall, European trade expanded the scope of global commerce, created new economic dependencies, and facilitated the exchange of goods, capital, and knowledge between distant regions, ultimately leading to greater global interdependence.

In his letter, Bartolomé de las Casas describes the brutal treatment of indigenous peoples and the degradation of their societies due to the transatlantic slave system, highlighting the significant role played by the Columbian Exchange and slave trade in European expansion as they sought to exploit and dominate the resources and labor of the New World.

The statement that best describes the relationship between technology and European exploration is: Europeans developed new technologies, such as the astrolabe and magnetic compass, to permit long-distance travel.

Which statement best explains the Roman Catholic Church's primary reaction to the ideas developed by Galileo and other scientists of the scientific revolution? (1 point) The Catholic Church blamed Protestants for heretical ideas and sought to eradicate them. The Catholic Church saw the scientific method as a threat to their political power in Europe. The Catholic Church saw the scientific revolution as insignificant and not a threat to their teachings. The Catholic Church saw new astronomical ideas as heresy because they contradicted the lite word of the Bible.

The statement that best explains the Roman Catholic Church's primary reaction to the ideas developed by Galileo and other scientists of the scientific revolution is: The Catholic Church saw new astronomical ideas as heresy because they contradicted the literal word of the Bible.

Which of the following is an effect of Portugal developing the caravel? Portugal became Europe's first maritime empire . The trade of enslaved Africans decreased. The Roman Catholic Church eradicated Islam from the Iberian peninsula. Portugal took control of the Silk Road.

The effect of Portugal developing the caravel was that Portugal became Europe's first maritime empire.

Which of these statements best summarizes the status of common farmers during different eras of history? point) Common farmers generally became wealthy as they developed and controlled new methods of agriculture. Common farmers were mostly enslaved laborers who worked on property owned by wealthy landowners. Common farmers increased their personal ownership of land as new advances in agriculture took place. Common farmers did the hardest agricultural work but received little of the economic profits.

The statement that best summarizes the status of common farmers during different eras of history is: Common farmers did the hardest agricultural work but received little of the economic profits.

did the Counter-Reformation in Europe most impact the settlement of European colonies the Americas ? (1 point) Catholic monarchs in France and Spain financed special voyages to the Americas to give non- Catholic Protestants and Jews opportunities to freely practice their religions without persecution. Catholic persecutions of Protestants and Jews resulted in the voluntary and forced migrations of various religious groups to the Americas. Catholic persecutions of Protestants in England led to the Great Puritan Migration to New England during the 1600s. The Catholic Church created special settlements in the Americas for non -Catholics who were being persecuted by various European monarchs .